You can’t judge art on the basis of who reviews it | Catherine Shoard

Film critics aren’t above reproach. But just because a ‘40-year-old white dude’ pans a movie doesn’t mean it’s any good

Seventeen years since I started doing it for a living, I’ve finally been told which films I’m allowed to write about. Sliding Doors? Yes! If you’re a middle-class white woman who lives in London, that’s legitimate subject matter. Its heroine is a media type. I too take the tube – though a parallel universe doesn’t usually pop up if I miss the Piccadilly line. Happy-Go-Lucky? Just about: Sally Hawkins plays a teacher – uh-oh – but at least I’m also learning to drive. Bridget Jones? Not on your nelly. I don’t keep a diary. I don’t like chardonnay. I’ve never even slept with Hugh Grant.

Related: Ocean's 8 stars blame dominance of male critics for film's mixed reviews

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from The Guardian

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