Be thankful for the Brexit deadline: on everything else May procrastinates | Isabel Hardman

Social care is in crisis – yet the prime minister shows no sense of urgency and seems incapable of deciding how to solve it

What’s the naughtiest thing Theresa May has done? The prime minister would have us believe that running through fields of wheat was her greatest misdemeanour, but really a far worse habit that she still regularly indulges in is to kick things into the long grass for as long as possible. May’s tendency to procrastinate is most obvious in the way she has handled the Brexit negotiations, delaying important cabinet discussions on Britain’s future trading relationship with the EU for months. But her predilection for putting off difficult decisions is actually more dangerous when it comes to domestic policy, because she has no deadline by which she must make up her mind.

There is no Michel Barnier breathing down the prime minister’s neck on social care, for instance. The sector is on its knees and has no long-term funding settlement despite decades of promises from politicians. Every day, many hospitals have hundreds of patients who are medically fit for discharge yet have no social care package in place so they can leave. Care providers are giving up and local authorities are watching the black holes in their budgets yawn wider.

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from The Guardian

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