It’s not the nanny state that should alarm us, it’s the gluttonous food industry giants | Sonia Sodha

Forget calorie caps – force manufacturers to stick to targets to curb rising obesity

More than 5,000 calories. According to one survey of festive habits, that’s the order of what the average person consumes on Christmas Day. Many of us will apparently have downed a day’s worth of calories before we even sit down for the main event.

So it was with impeccably guilt-inducing timing that the Telegraph splashed a story across its front page on Boxing Day morning about the restaurant and ready meal “calorie caps” that are supposedly about to be introduced. Cue shrill tabloid columns about the nanny-state calorie police curbing our right to stuff our faces. “These demands are worthy of Nero or Caligula,” lamented the folk over at rightwing thinktank the Institute of Economic Affairs. And it gave cabinet minister Liz Truss the chance to crack a joke. “I’m too busy eating #leaveusalone #boxingday,” she tweeted. Ho-ho-ho.

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from The Guardian

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