No one believes my husband is my husband | Zoe Williams

He’s not my brother. He’s not my colleague. If he was, we wouldn’t have such ridiculous conversations

Out and about with Mr Z, nobody ever thinks we’re married. I have always had a sense that this was true, but never any proof until I went in to the butcher’s on my own and she said: “Is Will your brother?” Normally, we’d have been there together. I want to say lockdown turned stocking up on meat into a day trip, but that was true even before Covid. We’d treat it like a fairground: “Ooh, pasties! I love a pasty.” “Could we get black pudding past the kids?” and on and on, all the way through the major carnivorous avenues. What brother and sister do that?

“It’s because I’m older than you,” I said to Mr Z. He said: “No, it’s probably because I’m out of your league.” How we laughed.

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from The Guardian

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