Chris Bryant: ‘Nearly everyone I meet says: I wouldn’t want your job’

The Labour MP who led the 2021 charge against parliamentary sleaze says politicians need to show selflessness – as well as perseverance

Chris Bryant has been Labour MP for Rhondda since 2001. He is chair of the committees on standards and privileges. He spoke out against the government’s attempt to save Owen Paterson from parliamentary sanction, and has led the initiative to resolve the issue of MPs’ second jobs.

A decade ago you were on the Observer’s end-of-year headline-makers list, along with Tom Watson and Louise Mensch, for your work on phone-hacking. They have both since resigned as MPs. Has the stress ever been such that you’ve thought about resigning yourself?
Yes, I have loads of times, not so much resigning in a huff as going to do something else. I remember back in 2004, having lunch with James Purnell and Siôn Simon. I was the one who wanted to go and they were “no, no, you must stay”. And they’re no longer MPs. I notice that perseverance is [the Cambridge Dictionary’s] word of the year.

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from The Guardian

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