The citizenship journey: nine Europeans who became British after Brexit – photo essay

Photographer Andrea Capello, who became a British citizen in 2021, wanted to know more about the experience of other people who had chosen to do the same

On 28 July 2021, I became a British citizen. I’ve been living in the UK for 18 years, and never considered taking this big step until now. I am proudly European and, I must admit, Brexit played a massive role in my decision. Once I started the application process, something happened to me; collecting payslips, P60s and several documents from decades ago triggered a range of conflicting emotions.

I realised how much living in this country changed me and shaped my character. I became an adult here, I made strong friendships and met extraordinary people. I learned how challenging it is to live away from your family, how rewarding it is to live in a multicultural society, and how contradictory and yet exhilarating British culture is. I then started to ask myself other questions: why did I come here in the first place? Is the UK still the same country as when I arrived? How do other British/European citizens like me feel about it and what are their hopes for the future?

Sonia Vico, a multidisciplinary artist from Valencia, Spain. British citizen since June 2021.

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from The Guardian

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